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Analysis of Epigenetic Alterations in Homologous Recombination DNA Repair Genes in Male Breast Cancer.
Cattle TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Chicken CA2(Carbonic Anhydrase II) ELISA Kit
Chicken CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
Chicken HSPb2(Heat Shock Protein Beta 2) ELISA Kit
Chicken IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
Chicken IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
Chicken IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Chicken IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
Chicken IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
Chicken IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
Comprehensive Analysis of AR Alterations in Circulating Tumor DNA from Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer.
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Dog TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
Environmental DNA analysis shows high potential as a tool for estimating intraspecific genetic diversity in a wild fish population.
Human a1AT(Alpha-1-Antitrypsin) ELISA Kit
Human a2ML1(Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human Ab1-42(Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-42) ELISA Kit
Human ACP3(Acid Phosphatase 3, Prostatic) ELISA Kit
Human ADAM10(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 10) ELISA Kit
Human ADAM9(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 9) ELISA Kit
Human ADH1(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
Human aEP(Alpha-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
Human AGTR1(Angiotensin II Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
Human aHSP(Alpha-Hemoglobin Stabilizing Protein) ELISA Kit
Human ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
Human AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
Human Amya(Amylase Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human ANGPT4(Angiopoietin 4) ELISA Kit
Human ANGPTL3(Angiopoietin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Human ANXA5(Annexin A5) ELISA Kit
Human AP13(Apelin 13) ELISA Kit
Human AP36(Apelin 36) ELISA Kit
Human APOA4(Apolipoprotein A4) ELISA Kit
Human APOB48(Apolipoprotein B48) ELISA Kit
Human APOC1(Apolipoprotein C1) ELISA Kit
Human APOC3(Apolipoprotein C3) ELISA Kit
Human APOF(Apolipoprotein F) ELISA Kit
Human APOH(Apolipoprotein H) ELISA Kit
Human b4GALT1(Beta-1,4-Galactosyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
Human BAFF(B-Cell Activating Factor) ELISA Kit
Human BAFFR(B-Cell Activation Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human bEP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
Human BRAK(Breast And Kidney Expressed Chemokine) ELISA Kit
Human bTG(Beta-Thromboglobulin) ELISA Kit
Human C2(Complement Component 2) ELISA Kit
Human C4BPb(C4 Binding Protein Beta) ELISA Kit
Human C7(Complement Component 7) ELISA Kit
Human CA125(Carbohydrate Antigen 125) ELISA Kit
Human CALU(Calumenin) ELISA Kit
Human CASP1(Caspase 1) ELISA Kit
Human CASP14(Caspase 14) ELISA Kit
Human CASP4(Caspase 4) ELISA Kit
Human CCR6(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 6) ELISA Kit
Human CCR7(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
Human CD30L(Cluster Of Differentiation 30 Ligand) ELISA Kit
Human CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
Human CDK1(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
Human CDK2(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
Human CDK5(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5) ELISA Kit
Human CFB(Complement Factor B) ELISA Kit
Human CFL1(Cofilin 1, Non Muscle) ELISA Kit
Human COL1(Collagen Type I) ELISA Kit
Human COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
Human COL4(Collagen Type IV) ELISA Kit
Human CRH(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Human CTSL(Cathepsin L) ELISA Kit
Human CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
Human CX43(Connexin 43) ELISA Kit
Human CYP7A1(Cytochrome P450 7A1) ELISA Kit
Human CYPB(Cyclophilin B) ELISA Kit
Human DAF(Decay Accelerating Factor) ELISA Kit
Human DBP(Vitamin D Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
Human DKK1(Dickkopf Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human DPYD(Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
Human DRD2(Dopamine Receptor D2) ELISA Kit
Human ECE1(Endothelin Converting Enzyme 1) ELISA Kit
Human EDN1(Endothelin 1) ELISA Kit
Human EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human EGFR2(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
Human EGR1(Early Growth Response Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human EMILIN1(Elastin Microfibril Interface Located Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human ES(Endostatin) ELISA Kit
Human F11(Coagulation Factor XI) ELISA Kit
Human F7(Coagulation Factor VII) ELISA Kit
Human F8(Coagulation Factor VIII) ELISA Kit
Human FABP4(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Adipocyte) ELISA Kit
Human FABP8(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 8, Myelin) ELISA Kit
Human FcgRI(Receptor I For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
Human FcgRII(Receptor II For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
Human FDP(Fibrinogen Degradation Product) ELISA Kit
Human FETUB(Fetuin B) ELISA Kit
Human FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
Human FOXO1(Forkhead Box Protein O1) ELISA Kit
Human FOXP3(Forkhead Box Protein P3) ELISA Kit
Human FSCN(Fascin) ELISA Kit
Human G6PD(Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
Human GATA3(GATA Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Human GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
Human GDF2(Growth Differentiation Factor 2) ELISA Kit
Human GDF9(Growth Differentiation Factor 9) ELISA Kit
Human GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Human GLUT3(Glucose Transporter 3) ELISA Kit
Human GP73(Golgi Protein 73) ELISA Kit
Human GPC2(Glypican 2) ELISA Kit
Human GPC3(Glypican 3) ELISA Kit
Human GPI(Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase) ELISA Kit
Human GRIP1(Glutamate Receptor Interacting Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human GROb(Growth Regulated Oncogene Beta) ELISA Kit
Human GROg(Growth Regulated Oncogene Gamma) ELISA Kit
Human GZMK(Granzyme K) ELISA Kit
Human HMGCS(Hydroxymethylglutaryl Coenzyme A Synthase) ELISA Kit
Human HMGN1(High Mobility Group Nucleosome Binding Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human HMWK(High Molecular Weight Kininogen) ELISA Kit
Human HSF1(Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Human ICAM5(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 5) ELISA Kit
Human IDO(Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
Human IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
Human IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
Human IGF2R(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human IgG2(Immunoglobulin G2) ELISA Kit
Human IgG4(Immunoglobulin G4) ELISA Kit
Human IkBa(Inhibitory Subunit Of NF Kappa B Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human IL11(Interleukin 11) ELISA Kit
Human IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Human IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Human IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
Human IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
Human IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human IL1R1(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type I) ELISA Kit
Human IL1R2(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type II) ELISA Kit
Human IL21(Interleukin 21) ELISA Kit
Human IL24(Interleukin 24) ELISA Kit
Human IL25(Interleukin 25) ELISA Kit
Human IL26(Interleukin 26) ELISA Kit
Human IL28A(Interleukin 28A) ELISA Kit
Human IL2Ra(Interleukin 2 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
Human IL34(Interleukin 34) ELISA Kit
Human IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
Human IL6R(Interleukin 6 Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human IL9(Interleukin 9) ELISA Kit
Human INHbB(Inhibin Beta B) ELISA Kit
Human INHbC(Inhibin Beta C) ELISA Kit
Human iPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Calcium Independent) ELISA Kit
Human IRF1(Interferon Regulatory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Human IRF3(Interferon Regulatory Factor 3) ELISA Kit
Human IRF5(Interferon Regulatory Factor 5) ELISA Kit
Human KCC4(Potassium Chloride Cotransporters 4) ELISA Kit
Human Kim1(Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
Human KLF5(Kruppel Like Factor 5, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
Human KLK11(Kallikrein 11) ELISA Kit
Human KLK9(Kallikrein 9) ELISA Kit
Human KRT10(Keratin 10) ELISA Kit
Human KRT13(Keratin 13) ELISA Kit
Human LAMb1(Laminin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Human LAT(Linker For Activation Of T-Cell) ELISA Kit
Human LAT1(Large Neutral Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
Human LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
Human LDHB(Lactate Dehydrogenase B) ELISA Kit
Human LEPR(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human LGALS3BP(Lectin Galactoside Binding, Soluble 3 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
Human LIPC(Lipase, Hepatic) ELISA Kit
Human LMP2(Large Multifunctional Peptidase 2) ELISA Kit
Human LOX1(Lectin Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
Human LTb(Lymphotoxin Beta) ELISA Kit
Human LTBP2(Latent Transforming Growth Factor Beta Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Human MAG(Myelin Associated Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
Human MCAM(Melanoma Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
Human MCM2(Minichromosome Maintenance Deficient 2) ELISA Kit
Human MGA(Maltase Glucoamylase, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
Human MHCE(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I E) ELISA Kit
Human MHCG(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I G) ELISA Kit
Human MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
Human MLZE(Melanoma Derived Leucine Zipper Extra Nuclear Factor) ELISA Kit
Human MMA(Monocyte To Macrophage Differentiation Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
Human MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
Human MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
Human MMP11(Matrix Metalloproteinase 11) ELISA Kit
Human MMP12(Matrix Metalloproteinase 12) ELISA Kit
Human MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
Human MOG(Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
Human MPIF1(Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Human MT2(Metallothionein 2) ELISA Kit
Human MUC17(Mucin 17) ELISA Kit
Human MUC5AC(Mucin 5 Subtype AC) ELISA Kit
Human MUC5B(Mucin 5 Subtype B) ELISA Kit
Human MUC7(Mucin 7, Secreted) ELISA Kit
Human MyD88(Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88) ELISA Kit
Human MYH1(Myosin Heavy Chain 1, Skeletal Muscle, Adult) ELISA Kit
Human MYL1(Myosin Light Chain 1, Alkali, Fast Skeletal) ELISA Kit
Human MYL2(Myosin Light Chain 2, Regulatory, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
Human MYLK(Myosin Light Chain Kinase) ELISA Kit
Human NEP(Neprilysin) ELISA Kit
Human NFkB(Nuclear Factor Kappa B) ELISA Kit
Human NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
Human NRG1(Neuregulin 1) ELISA Kit
Human NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
Human NT-ProANP(N-Terminal Pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
Human NT3(Neurotrophin 3) ELISA Kit
Human NT4(Neurotrophin 4) ELISA Kit
Human Ntn1(Netrin 1) ELISA Kit
Human Ntn4(Netrin 4) ELISA Kit
Human OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
Human OIT3(Oncoprotein Induced Transcript 3) ELISA Kit
Human ORM2(Orosomucoid 2) ELISA Kit
Human OSM(Oncostatin M) ELISA Kit
Human OSMR(Oncostatin M Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
Human PALLD(Palladin) ELISA Kit
Human PAR2(Protease Activated Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
Human Pax(Paxillin) ELISA Kit
Human PDGFA(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit A) ELISA Kit
Human PDGFBB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB) ELISA Kit
Human PECAM1(Platelet/Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
Human PFKP(Phosphofructokinase, Platelet) ELISA Kit
Human PGA(Pepsinogen A) ELISA Kit
Human PGC(Pepsinogen C) ELISA Kit
Human Pgp(Permeability Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
Human PICP(Procollagen I C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Human PIICP(Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Human PIIICP(Procollagen III C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Human PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Human PK(Pyruvate Kinase, Liver And RBC) ELISA Kit
Human PKBb(Protein Kinase B Beta) ELISA Kit
Human PLCg1(Phospholipase C Gamma 1) ELISA Kit
Human PLSCR1(Phospholipid Scramblase 1) ELISA Kit
Human PRKAb1(Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Human PTGDS(Prostaglandin D2 Synthase, Hematopoietic) ELISA Kit
Human PTGES(Prostaglandin E Synthase, Microsomal) ELISA Kit
Human PTGS2(Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 2) ELISA Kit
Human PTH(Parathyroid Hormone) ELISA Kit
Human PTHR2(Parathyroid Hormone Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
Human REG1a(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human REG4(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Human RNASE3(Ribonuclease A3) ELISA Kit
Human S100A9(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A9) ELISA Kit
Human SAA2(Serum Amyloid A2) ELISA Kit
Human SALa(Salusin Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human SCCA2(Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 2) ELISA Kit
Human SHH(Hedgehog Homolog, Sonic) ELISA Kit
Human Slit2(Slit Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
Human SOCS3(Suppressors Of Cytokine Signaling 3) ELISA Kit
Human SOX18(Sex Determining Region Y Box Protein 18) ELISA Kit
Human STAT2(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 2) ELISA Kit
Human TDP43(Tar DNA Binding Protein 43kDa) ELISA Kit
Human TEP1(Telomerase Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human TFR2(Transferrin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
Human TG(Thyroglobulin) ELISA Kit
Human TGM1(Transglutaminase 1, Keratinocyte) ELISA Kit
Human TGM2(Transglutaminase 2, Tissue) ELISA Kit
Human TGM3(Transglutaminase 3, Epidermal) ELISA Kit
Human TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
Human TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Human TLN(Talin) ELISA Kit
Human TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
Human TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
Human TNFSF13(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 13) ELISA Kit
Human TP(Thymidine Phosphorylase) ELISA Kit
Human TPA(Tissue Polypeptide Antigen) ELISA Kit
Human TPO(Thyroid Peroxidase) ELISA Kit
Human TSC22(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Stimulated Protein Clone 22) ELISA Kit
Human TTN(Titin) ELISA Kit
Human Tyk2(Tyrosine Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
Human UBD(Ubiquitin D) ELISA Kit
Human uPAR(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human VCL(Vinculin) ELISA Kit
Human VDR(Vitamin D Receptor) ELISA Kit
Human VEGF165(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 165) ELISA Kit
Human VEGFB(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B) ELISA Kit
Human VEGFR3(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
Human VS(Versican) ELISA Kit
Human XPC(Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group C) ELISA Kit
Human XPG(Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group G) ELISA Kit
Mouse ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
Mouse ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
Mouse ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
Mouse ANGPT1(Angiopoietin 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse ANGPT2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse bEP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
Mouse bTG(Beta-Thromboglobulin) ELISA Kit
Mouse C1INH(Complement 1 Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
Mouse CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse CD19(Cluster Of Differentiation 19) ELISA Kit
Mouse CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
Mouse CKM(Creatine Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
Mouse CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
Mouse CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
Mouse CT(Calcitonin) ELISA Kit
Mouse CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse CTNNb1(Catenin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
Mouse CTXII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen) ELISA Kit
Mouse DEFa5(Defensin Alpha 5, Paneth Cell Specific) ELISA Kit
Mouse DEFb1(Defensin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse DLAT(Dihydrolipoyl Transacetylase) ELISA Kit
Mouse Dyn(Big Dynorphin) ELISA Kit
Mouse EDN1(Endothelin 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse EG-VEGF(Endocrine Gland Derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse ELA2(Elastase 2, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
Mouse ES(Endostatin) ELISA Kit
Mouse FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
Mouse FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
Mouse FGF6(Fibroblast Growth Factor 6) ELISA Kit
Mouse FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
Mouse FOS(V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
Mouse GDNF(Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Mouse GSTa1(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse ICAM2(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse ICAM5(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 5) ELISA Kit
Mouse IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
Mouse IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
Mouse IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
Mouse IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL11(Interleukin 11) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL15(Interleukin 15) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL1R1(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type I) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL1R2(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type II) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL21(Interleukin 21) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL9(Interleukin 9) ELISA Kit
Mouse KLK5(Kallikrein 5) ELISA Kit
Mouse LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
Mouse LEPR(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Mouse LIPC(Lipase, Hepatic) ELISA Kit
Mouse LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
Mouse MCP3(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Mouse MIF(Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
Mouse MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
Mouse MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
Mouse MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Mouse MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
Mouse MMP8(Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit
Mouse MT1(Metallothionein 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse MUC2(Mucin 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse MUC5AC(Mucin 5 Subtype AC) ELISA Kit
Mouse MYH1(Myosin Heavy Chain 1, Skeletal Muscle, Adult) ELISA Kit
Mouse MYH2(Myosin Heavy Chain 2, Skeletal Muscle, Adult) ELISA Kit
Mouse NAGase(N-Acetyl Beta-D-Glucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
Mouse NFkB2(Nuclear Factor Kappa B2) ELISA Kit
Mouse NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
Mouse NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
Mouse NT-ProANP(N-Terminal Pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
Mouse NT4(Neurotrophin 4) ELISA Kit
Mouse OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
Mouse OSM(Oncostatin M) ELISA Kit
Mouse PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse PCK1(Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
Mouse PICP(Procollagen I C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Mouse PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
Mouse PTGS2(Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse PTH(Parathyroid Hormone) ELISA Kit
Mouse REG4(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Mouse RNASET2(Ribonuclease T2) ELISA Kit
Mouse SCFR(Stem Cell Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse SDF1(Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse Slit2(Slit Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse TBP2(Thioredoxin Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse TGFa(Transforming Growth Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Mouse Tie1(Tyrosine Kinase With Immunoglobulin Like And EGF Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Mouse TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
Mouse TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
Mouse TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
Mouse tPA(Plasminogen Activator, Tissue) ELISA Kit
Mouse TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
Mouse uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
Mouse uPAR(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse VEGFB(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B) ELISA Kit
Mouse VEGFC(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
Mouse VEGFD(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D) ELISA Kit
Pig IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
Pig TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rabbit ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
Rabbit CETP(Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
Rabbit COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
Rabbit EDN1(Endothelin 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
Rabbit HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Rabbit ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
Rabbit IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
Rabbit LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
Rabbit MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
Rabbit PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
Rabbit PDGFA(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit A) ELISA Kit
Rabbit REN(Renin) ELISA Kit
Rabbit SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
Rabbit SELP(Selectin, Platelet) ELISA Kit
Rabbit TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
Rabbit TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
Rabbit VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
Rat ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat ADH1(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
Rat ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
Rat ANGPT1(Angiopoietin 1) ELISA Kit
Rat ANGPT2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
Rat AREG(Amphiregulin) ELISA Kit
Rat BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
Rat CAMK2g(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Gamma) ELISA Kit
Rat CASP14(Caspase 14) ELISA Kit
Rat CAV1(Caveolin 1) ELISA Kit
Rat CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat CD14(Cluster Of Differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
Rat CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
Rat CKM(Creatine Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
Rat COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
Rat CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
Rat CT(Calcitonin) ELISA Kit
Rat CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
Rat DAO(Diamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
Rat ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat EDN1(Endothelin 1) ELISA Kit
Rat EG-VEGF(Endocrine Gland Derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
Rat EPOR(Erythropoietin Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat FAS(Factor Related Apoptosis) ELISA Kit
Rat FDP(Fibrinogen Degradation Product) ELISA Kit
Rat FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
Rat FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
Rat FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
Rat FGF6(Fibroblast Growth Factor 6) ELISA Kit
Rat FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
Rat G6PD(Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
Rat GCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 3, Granulocyte) ELISA Kit
Rat GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat gp130(Glycoprotein 130) ELISA Kit
Rat GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
Rat HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
Rat IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
Rat IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
Rat IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
Rat IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Rat IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Rat IGFBP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Rat IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Rat IL11(Interleukin 11) ELISA Kit
Rat IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Rat IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Rat IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
Rat IL15(Interleukin 15) ELISA Kit
Rat IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
Rat IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
Rat IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
Rat IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
Rat IL7(Interleukin 7) ELISA Kit
Rat IL9(Interleukin 9) ELISA Kit
Rat INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
Rat Kim1(Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
Rat LEPR(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat MCP3(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Rat MCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 1, Macrophage) ELISA Kit
Rat MDC(Macrophage Derived Chemokine) ELISA Kit
Rat MIF(Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat MIP1b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
Rat MIP3a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rat MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP8(Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit
Rat MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
Rat MPP2(Membrane Protein, Palmitoylated 2) ELISA Kit
Rat NAGase(N-Acetyl Beta-D-Glucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
Rat NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat NOX1(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
Rat NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
Rat NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
Rat NT-ProANP(N-Terminal Pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
Rat NT3(Neurotrophin 3) ELISA Kit
Rat NT4(Neurotrophin 4) ELISA Kit
Rat OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
Rat OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
Rat OSM(Oncostatin M) ELISA Kit
Rat PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
Rat PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
Rat PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
Rat PICP(Procollagen I C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Rat PIICP(Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Rat PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Rat PLGF(Placenta Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat PROCR(Protein C Receptor, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
Rat PRSS1(Protease, Serine 1) ELISA Kit
Rat PTH(Parathyroid Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat RETN(Resistin) ELISA Kit
Rat RNASET2(Ribonuclease T2) ELISA Kit
Rat SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat SDF1(Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Rat SELL(Selectin, Leukocyte) ELISA Kit
Rat SELP(Selectin, Platelet) ELISA Kit
Rat TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
Rat TGFa(Transforming Growth Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rat TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Rat Tie2(TEK Tyrosine Kinase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
Rat TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Rat TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
Rat TLR4(Toll Like Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
Rat TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
Rat TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
Rat tPA(Plasminogen Activator, Tissue) ELISA Kit
Rat TPO(Thyroid Peroxidase) ELISA Kit
Rat TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
Rat uPAR(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat UTS2R(Urotensin 2 Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
Rat VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
Rat VEGFC(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
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